Aino Vonge Corry

Author, Retrospectives Antipatterns

Session Title

Retrospectives Antipatterns


Anti-Patterns are like patterns, only more informative. With anti-patterns, you will first see what patterns recur in “bad” retrospectives and then you will see how to avoid, or remedy, the situation. Based on her experience with facilitating retrospectives, join Aino for an entertaining and informative presentation on the anti-patterns she has seen and how to overcome the problems. This talk will be interesting for everyone facilitating meetings in general, and retrospectives in particular. Her latest book “Retrospective Anti-Patterns” will give you more info that she is able to convey in this talk.


After gaining her Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2001 Aino Corry spent the next 10 years failing to choose between being a researcher/teacher in academia, and being a teacher/facilitator in industry. She eventually squared the circle by starting her own company, metadeveloper, which develops developers by teaching CS, teaching how to teach CS, inviting speakers to IT conferences, and facilitating software development in various ways. She has facilitated retrospectives and other meetings for the past 15 years during which time she has made all the mistakes possible in that field. Aino has lived in Stockholm, Lund, and Cambridge, but she is now back in Aarhus, Denmark, where she lives with her family, and a growing collection of plush cephalopods.