Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Find inspiration to overcome the VUCA conditions to redefine the future.
Hear from the best Agile, Leadership, Management & Spiritual minds.
Gain new insights and embrace new perspectives.
Learn how you can be future ready in changing times.
Join the pioneers and participants from all across the world.
Come together to explore Agile Transformation ways to be Future Ready.
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Organisations across the globe are struggling in the VUCA conditions. To be future ready, everyone needs to master the art of enterprise transformation.
Our mission is to address the challenges created by VUCA, and guide the industry to overcome uncertainty by bringing best knowledge and information from the pioneers of our world, and take the conversation forward to be more Agile as an industry.
'Remote' and 'online' are now new realities. Our goal is to discover their impact, suggest changes, guide in implementation and mature on practices in the current situation.
Join us to explore 'Agile Transformation to be Future Ready’
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
How Agile are you? What about your organisation? Are you doing Agile and struggling to get real benefits? Are your trying but not able to get into real end-to-end delivery? Do you want to work for Agile but does the business not get along? Do you want to do Agile but your IT is excluding you?
Agile itself is basic and easy to apply, so it seems. Still so many people and organisations struggle to get real benefits, to do real end-to-end delivery of production viable requirements, to read, deliver better business value, to really deliver earlier. What is the underlying cause and how can you do this?
This is the complexity in the simplicity of Agile. Arie will talk you through his journey of getting successful in Agile Transformations and how he does it.
The volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (short VUCA) world we currently live in asks for company-wide agility. Yet, agility in the literal sense that means companies need to be adaptive, responsive, fast, and nimble. Thus, although already created in the 90ies, the original idea of a learning organization, that is a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself, is more relevant than ever. Yet, how can such a learning organization come to life? BOSSA nova is one approach to company-wide agility by synthesizing Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agility. The key to its success are so-called probes – small, safe-to-fail experiments based on hypotheses derived from reflection on the current situation as well as on theory. In this session, Jutta will share various probes implemented by different companies that can guide the probing in your company to establish a learning organization.
Research suggests the limiting factor in an organizational transformation is the nature and quality of the mindset of the leaders who initiate and lead that transformation. This is good news and bad news for us. The bad news is that there are few leaders who, at present, are fully up to this momentous task. The good news is, the path to growing leadership maturity is well-understood. In this session, the Michaels will take you through the terrain of leadership development, from levels and stages, to the path of an individual in transformation, to setting up an effective program to help cohorts of leaders hold accountability and support each other's' growth, creating deliberately developmental environments that create sustainable transformation.
Jason has spent the greater part of the last 7 years traveling the world and asking change agents of all disciplines in countless organizations why the changes they were working on were getting stuck, and how they were jiggling them loose.
We live in a world where we’re in a rush to create yet another best practice method in order to magically fix our transformations. It turns out we’ve known the answer all along, and it sure isn’t about the process, method or framework we follow.
In this session, Jason will share the patterns, philosophies and stories he has collected that will help us see change and transformation through a different set of lenses so we can focus on what matters.
Jon Kern, one of the original co-authors of the Agile Manifesto for Software Development, reveals what agile means to him, shedding light on the main tenets of the manifesto. There is a great deal of agile in name only, or fake agile out there.
Learn about the agile mindset, or risk mastering fake agile! Learn that agile is a state of mind, not a rote process. Being agile requires continuous vigilance and constant partial attention. Jon maintains agile is hard to do well!
Bring your questions!
Agile People Coaches see organizations as social systems, not machines. They recognize that people and relationships build organizations, and if their motivation is high enough, they will find ways to innovate and provide value together. We still need structures, but just enough to provide cohesion, as opposed to restriction. We need to foster great business cultures to guide behaviors and incentivize people to do things that will help them perform in a common direction. In this scenario, the future career path for leaders and HR professionals is to adopt an Agile People Coach's competencies – a role that aims to create the right conditions for individuals, teams, and the whole organization to grow and develop and change as needed to survive.
"We spend a lot of time helping leaders learn what to do; we don’t spend enough time helping leaders learn what to stop."
–Peter Drucker
The most dangerous business reality is when society and technology evolve faster than a company's ability to keep up. That is why many companies attempt to adopt Agile, Lean, or some other form of digital transformation. For a fair number of businesses, however, outdated norms do not die quickly. They hinder progress, allowing more agile competitors to outperform them in the market. In this talk, Ray Arell will explore the pitfalls around organizational change when dealing with highly resilient and rigid cultures. He will include examples of how resilient systems fail and ways to mitigate those failures. We will explore practical methods like sensemaking to identify rigidity and look at practical ways to reset your organization’s operating parameters to amplify success.
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*The current program schedule is only a draft and is subject to change.
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Organizer, Agile Summit
Organizer, Agile Summit
Co-Organizer, Agile Summit
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
200 Tickets Available
Participants from 27+ countries
Global Online Thought Leadership Event
Global Online Thought Leadership Event